Organic Pictures, 2022

Categoria: works
Pubblicato Lunedì, 15 Gennaio 2024 15:10
Scritto da Super User
Visite: 441

The seasonal (autumn 2022) group of works on canvas from the series Organic Pictures (2016-ongoing). Works are created using only plants materials, foraged plants parts from city weeds are eco-printed on canvas and mounted on stretchers created by an artisan with fir from reforestation areas.

Francesco Fossati, [] Sommacco, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton and FSC fir stretcher, 140 x 180 cm

Francesco Fossati, Three [Hazelnut] 01, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton and FSC fir stretcher, 60 x 50 cm

Francesco Fossati, X Chestnut, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton, 210 x 150 cm

Francesco Fossati, X Chestnut, detail, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton, 210 x 150 cm 

Francesco Fossati, Avocado Test [B-02], 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton and FSC fir stretcher, 45 x 60 cm, ph. Nicu Nistor 

 Francesco Fossati, Avocado Test A, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton and FSC fir stretcher, eight elements 45 x 60 cm each, 195 x 125 cm

 Francesco Fossati, Avocado Test A, detail, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton and FSC fir stretcher, eight elements 45 x 60 cm each, 195 x 125 cm

Francesco Fossati, Diagonale [Castagno] (Diagonal [chestnut]), 2022, ecoprint on linen and FSC fir stretcher, 130 x 95 cm 

Francesco Fossati, Branches [02] and Branches [01], 2022, ecoprint on hemp and FSC fir stretcher, 45 x 60 cm each, 100 x 60 cm 

Francesco Fossati, Monstera, 2022, ecoprint on organic cotton, 150 x 175 cm 


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