Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox: 1989–2017 at Kunsthalle Wien
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- Pubblicato Sabato, 04 Novembre 2017 11:40
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Our Magazine E IL TOPO is part of the project.
November 8, 2017–January 28, 2018
Opening: November 7, 7pm
What is the role of art publishing today? How have artists adapted modes of publishing as a tool for their practice? How has the notion of artists’ publishing activity changed, given the ever-increasing amount of fairs and an ever-evolving number of book-related collections in contemporary art museums?
Publishing has developed, especially since the '60s, as a favorite site and medium for aesthetic and artistic experimentation. It has also become an alternative space for promoting unrestricted individual or collective discourse. New modes and approaches to publishing in an artistic context have been renegotiated in recent times. Publishing is a force of agency to be reckoned with, questioned, explored and debated in all its manifestations.
The project, like a toolbox itself, is composed of different parts, sections, and components. Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox: 1989–2017 opens up and unfolds through different propositions, partly by material exhibits on display, partly through the presentation of time-based events, as well as through offsite projects.
Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox: 1989–2017 is intended as a three-dimensional index rather than an encyclopaedic approach to understanding the multitude methodologies of publishing.
Exhibition and Graphic Design: Rio Grande and Dallas, Milan
Curator: Luca Lo Pinto
Artists' Library
Participants: Cory Arcangel, Tauba Auerbach, Julie Ault, Darren Bader, Martin Beck, Maurizio Cattelan, Mariana Castillo Deball, Alejandro Cesárco, Paul Chan, Claude Closky, Michael Dean, Jason Dodge, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Peter Friedl, Ryan Gander, Dora Garcia, Nicolás Guagnini, Karl Holmqvist, Emily Jacir, Brian Kennon, Ben Kinmont, Pierre Leguillon, Jochen Lempert, Jonathan Monk, Olaf Nicolai, Michalis Pichler, Florian Pumhösl, Max Renkel, Michael Riedel, Willem de Rooij, Yann Sérandour, Josh Smith, Heimo Zobernig
Artist-run Magazines. The Magazine as Medium
Participants: 299 792 458 M/S (David Lieske), ACME (Joshua Decter, John Miller), Album (Eline Mugaas and Elise Storsveen), A.N.Y.P. (Minimal club); Ahali (Can Altay), ARTFAN (Linda Bilda, Ariane Müller), Ave (Kirsten Borchert, Anya Triestram), BLACK PAGES (Christoph Meier, Ute Müller, Nick Oberthaler), Cahier d’images (Céline Duval, Hans Peter Feldmann), Charley(Maurizio Cattelan, Massimiliano Gioni, Ali Subotnik), Chto Delat? (Chto Delat), Club Donny (Ernst van der Hoeven), Crip Magazine (Eva Egermann), DANK (Christoph Bannat, Hans Christian Dany, Thaddäus Hüppi, Gunter Reski, Andreas Siekmann), DIS Magazine (Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, Marco Roso, David Toro), Dot Dot Dot (Stuart Bailey, Peter Bilak, David Reinfurt), E IL TOPO (Gabriele Di Matteo, Piero Gatto, Franco Silvestro, Vedova Mazzei, Francesco Fossati, Luca Pozzi, Mattia Barbieri, Monica Mazzone), East of Borneo (Stacey Allan, Thomas Lawson), Ecocore (Alessandro Bava), Eine (Alex Ruthner), FAT (Josephine Meckseper), ffwd_mag (Invernomuto), FILE Megazine (General Idea), F.R. David (Will Holder), Free Internet (AIDS-3D), Grasso (Giuseppe Gabellone, Diego Perrone), HERESIES (Heresies Collective), Heyt be! (Deniz Beşer, Sedef Karakaş, Barış Sinsi), Index (Peter Halley), Item (Ricardo Basbaum, Eduardo Coimbra, Raul Mourão), Ixiptla(Mariana Castillo Deball), K48 (Scott Hug), K Hole (Greg Fong, Sean Monahan, Chris Sherron, Emily Segal, Dena Yago), Le Dictateur (Federico Pepe), Living & Loving (Aleksandra Mir, Polly Staple), Maayan (Roy Arad, Joshua Simon), Made In USA (Bernadette Corporation), Matt Magazine (Gürsoy Doğtaş), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (Mira Schor, Susan Bee), Memoria de la Postguerra (Tania Bruguera), NEID (Heiko Wichmann, Claudia Reinhardt, Ina Wudtke), Ohio(Hans Peter Feldmann), Ohne Ohne (Anna Sophie Berger, Katarina Šoškić, Gerhard Jordan), oVER (Rikrit Tiravanija), Pages (Babak Afrassiabi, Nasrin Tabatabai), Pazmaker (Adriana Lara), Permanent Food (Maurizio Cattelan, Paola Manfrin), Pétunia (Valerie Chartrain, Lili Reynaud Deward, Dorothée Dupuis), Point d’ironie (Christian Boltanski, Hans Ulrich Obrist), Provence(Tobias Kaspar, Hannes Loichinger), Randy Magazine (A.K. Burns, Sophie Mörner), Real Life Magazine (Thomas Lawson, Susan Morgan), regina (Regina Möller), Roses Tatouées (Giasco Bertoli), Schism (Janet Janet), Sex (Asher Penn), Skulpi (Roman Schramm, Paul Sochacki), Starship (Hans-Christian Dany, Martin Ebner, Ariane Müller, Gunter Reski), Subway (Erik van der Weijde), Tellus (Claudia Gould, Joseph Nechvatal, Carol Parkinson), The Critical Ass(Anke Dyes, Niklas Lichti), The O-G (Amy Sillman), THE THING (Jonn Herschend, Will Rogan), Toilet Paper (Maurizio Cattelan, Pierpaolo Ferrari), Triple Canopy (Molly Kleiman, Alexander Provan, Peter J. Russo), Trouble(Boris Achour, Claire Jacquet, François Piron, Emilie Renard), Useless (Conrad Ventur), Veneer Magazine (Aaron Flint Jamison), WhiteWalls (Buzz Spector), Zeitschrift (Christian Egger, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Yves Mettler, Magda Tothova, Ruth Weismann, Alexander Wolff), zingmagazine (Devon Dikeou)
The Message as Medium
Curated in collaboration with Christoph Schifferli
Participants: Fareed Armaly, Thomas Bayrle & Andreas Zybach, Alighiero Boetti, Maurizio Cattelan, Clegg & Guttmann, Tacita Dean, Hans Peter Feldmann, Fischli/Weiss, Liam Gillick, Group Material, Nicolás Guagnini, Jens Haaning, Sanja Iveković, Thomas Locher, Annette Messanger, Christian Philipp Müller, Olaf Nicolai, Michael Riedel, Jeroen de Rijke & Willem de Rooij, Dieter Roth, The Yes Men, Piotr Uklański, Luca Vitone, Christopher Williams, Heimo Zobernig
readymades belong to everyone®
The Bookshop as Medium
Curated by Gregorio Magnani and MOTTO Books
In Between. The Library as Medium
Participants: Anna Sophie Berger, Hugo Canoilas, Plamen Dejanoff, Heinrich Dunst, Judith Eisler, Gelitin, Florian Graf, Martin Guttmann, David Jourdan, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Christoph Meier, Ute Müller, Sarah Ortmeyer, Sarah Pichlkostner, Julie Ryan, Francis Ruyter, Luca Trevisani
Expanded Publishing
Curated in collaboration with Filipa Ramos
Participants: Fiktion, La Bibliothèque Fantastique, Public Fiction, Seth Price, The Serving Library, Triple Canopy, UbuWeb
Post-digital Publishing Archive
Conceived and developed by Silvio Lo Russo
Design as Medium
Participants: Manuel Raeder, Benjamin Reichen / Åbäke, Boy Vereecken
The Artist & the Publishers
Participants: Jonathan Monk in conversation with Christophe Boutin, Christophe Daviet, Michèle Didier
Magazines as Publishers
Moderated by Filipa Ramos
Participants: Afterall, Archive, Mousse, NERO, OEI
Afterall, Archive, BLACK PAGES, Christophe Boutin, Bernhard Cella, Christophe Daviet, Michèle Didier, Jason Dodge, Émeline Jaret, Moritz Küng, Gregorio Magnani, Jonathan Monk, Mousse, NERO, OEI, David Platzker, Manuel Raeder, Filipa Ramos, Benjamin Reichen, Andreas Reiter Raabe, Christoph Schifferli, Starship, Boy Vereecken, Zeitschrift
Stay connected
Please check our website for regular updates on our program.
For further information please contact: Katharina Murschetz
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Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna