IRA TRA I TARTARI / Rage among the Tartars
- Dettagli
- Categoria: News
- Pubblicato Mercoledì, 15 Maggio 2013 16:50
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- Visite: 2660
Opening reception 7 pm 15th of May, 2013
Szatyor Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
As part of the Italian Hungarian partnership eve 2013, four artists from Milan: Mattia Barbieri, Francesco Fossati, Francesco Locatelli and Monica Mazzone, let their works going around a concept based on the trope of a palindromé (an expression which can be read onwards and backwards). The opening ceremony of the exhibition which will be placed in the Szatyor Bar and Gallery is going to occur the 15th May 2013 at 7pm. The public has opportunity to visit the special collection until middle of July. The exhibition will display pieces previously produced by the artists in dialogue with new works specially designed for the occasion, the intent is to think about balance and contrast, relationships that are somehow palindromes as past and present, near and far, fragility and concreteness, finding their own way into common reciprocity. The angles of the four artists are diverse, not only in the meaning of artistic aspects but on the technical way as well. They establish a dialogue with different manifestations of the subject, creating a dynamic relation between videos, statuettes, paintings and wood installation.
Exhibiting Artists: Mattia Barbieri, Francesco Fossati, Francesco Locatelli, Monica Mazzone
Opening speech by: Dorka Kaposi curator
The exhibition and video runs from 15th of May to the 14th of July, 2013
More information:
Szatyor Gallery
Address: 36-38 Bartók Béla út. Budapest, 1111 Hungary
Phone: +36 (1) 279 02 91