Alone - 2019
- Dettagli
- Categoria: works
- Pubblicato Domenica, 19 Gennaio 2020 14:53
- Scritto da Super User
- Visite: 1428
A group of works made only by self-produced elements, without any environmental impact. The paintings are monochromes made with experimental pigments and natural mediums, on supports in paper reconstituted after a long maceration period. An analysis of the language of painting starting from the elements that compose it.
Francesco Fossati, magazines and ash, 2019, cenere e olio di semi di lino su carta riciclata, 54 x 53 x 5 cm
Francesco Fossati, magazines and leaves, 2019, foglie e olio di semi di lino su carta riciclata, 45 x 60 x 9 cm
Francesco Fossati, magazines and dandelion pollen, 2019, tempera all’uovo su carta riciclata, 42 x 44 x 6 cm