Organic Pictures - Sculptures 2021
- Dettagli
- Categoria: works
- Pubblicato Martedì, 19 Luglio 2022 12:25
- Scritto da Super User
- Visite: 890
A group of small tridimensional works that occupy the space with easy geometric volumes. Sculptures are made with a combination of boiled paper and an assortment of leaves and other vegetal materials previously used for the production of ecoprints works. The result was modeled using a plastic crate originally intended for vegetables that impressed, on several faces of the works, a geometric gridded pattern.
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Sommacco Siciliano 08 [Sicilian Sumac Sculpture 08], 2021, various parts of sumac plant and paper, 18 x 17 x 7 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Sommacco 10 [Sumac Sculpture 10], 2021, various parts of sumac plant and paper,, 26 x 20 x 7 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Rosa, Acero e Ortensia 07 [Rose, Maple and Hydrangea Sculpture 07], 2021, leaves and paper, 19 x 16 x 5 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Robinia 12 [Acacia Sculpture 12], 2021, leaves, branches and paper, 31 x 22 x 14 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Castagno 14 [chestnut sculpture 14], 2021, leaves, branches and paper, 24 x 14 x 25 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Sommacco 09 [Sumac Sculpture 09], 2021, leaves and paper, 16 x 10 x 7 cm
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