Organic Pictures - sculptures and prints - 2019
- Dettagli
- Categoria: works
- Pubblicato Domenica, 19 Gennaio 2020 15:14
- Scritto da Super User
- Visite: 1595
A group of works on canvas from the series Organic Pictures (2016-ongoing). Created with the lowest environmental impact possible, using only spontaneous vegetation picked from around the artist's studio and harnessed renewable energy for the printing process. Except for composition, the other estetica elements of the works are determined by natural substances, season of picking, geographic and climatic conditions.
This year I have started to create small tridimensional works that occupy the space with easy geometric volumes. Sculptures are made with a combination of boiled paper and an assortment of leaves and other vegetal materials previously used for the production of ecoprints works. The result was modeled using a plastic crate originally intended for vegetables that impressed, on several faces of the works, a geometric gridded pattern.
Francesco Fossati, Xx (different kind of black berries), 2019, ecoprint su lino, 140 x 220 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Bacche Nere 02, 2019, carta e diversi tipi di bacche nere bollite, 16 x 5 x 29 cm
Francesco Fossati, Biscotta (Robinia), 2019, ecoprint su lino, 140 x 220 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Robinia 03, 2019, carta e foglie di robinia bollite, 28 x 17 x 5 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Robinia 04, 2019, carta e foglie di robinia bollite, 31 x 20 x 15 cm
Francesco Fossati, Triangoli decrescenti (Ortensia), 2019, ecoprint su cotone biologico, 140 x 215 cm
Francesco Fossati, Ri-quadro (Ortensia), 2019, ecoprint su cotone biologico, 140 x 215 cm
Francesco Fossati, Landscape (Ortensia), 2019, tintura naturale su cotone biologico, 140 x 215 cm
Francesco Fossati, Scultura Ortensia 01, 2019, carta e foglie di ortensia bollite, 26 x 6 x 7 cm
Francesco Fossati, Ailanto sculto, 2018-2019, ecoprint su cotone biologico, rami di canapa industriale e spago, 85 x 160 x 25 cm